1.Terms of Access and Use Subject to these Terms, we award you a constrained, non-selective, nontransferable individual permit to access and utilize the Services. By getting to and utilizing the Services, you speak to and warrant that you are more than 18 years old, or on the other hand more than 13 years old and have the express assent of your parent or lawful or gatekeeper to access and utilize the Services.Privacy Please likewise survey the Service's protection strategy ("Privacy Policy") which can be found here. The Privacy Policy will enhance and be fused into these Terms by reference.Registration and Accounts From time to time, so as to utilize certain highlights of the Services, you might be required register for a record with us ("Account") and give certain data about yourself as provoked You speak to and warrant that all necessary enrollment data you submit is honest and precise, and that you will keep up the exactness of such data. You are answerable for keeping up the privacy of your Account login data and are completely liable for all exercises that happen under your Account. You consent to quickly advise us of any unapproved use, or associated unapproved use with your Account or some other break of security. We can't and won't be subject for any misfortune or harm emerging from unapproved access to your Account or your inability to follow the above prerequisites. Clients may likewise associate, through the Services, to web based life records, for example, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In doing as such, you are dependent upon the terms and strategies of these outsider administrations, notwithstanding these Terms. Botalchat Services Each variant of our applications (Web+App) permits a User to get to content which incorporates, photographs, recordings, messages and other substance relating to a particular craftsman (each, a "Craftsman"). For every Artist, the Services permits a User to play video straightforwardly through the Botalchat application, just as access Artist Content including pictures, true to life data, and cell phone backdrop (on the whole, Artist Content").

2.Clients may likewise use a "Program" capacity to get to the Internet, and a different "Associate" capacity to interface with online networking records, for example, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Such capacities gave by Botalchat will be regarded Services. We make no portrayals or guarantees with respect to the quality or accessibility of the Services, which might be dropped or suspended at any time.Bonus Content and Payment Through utilization of the Services, and by review ads during utilization of the Services, Users may gather "coins." These coins can be utilized to reclaim reward Artist Content through the Services, including viewership rights just for photographs, recordings, access to exceptional segments, opening games, mentioning video messages, visit messages and other Artist Content. Like the other Artist Content, the User doesn't claim this substance, however gets to it under a revocable and modifiable permit from Botalchat as well as the Artist (or an outsider with whom the Artist has contracted.) notwithstanding acquiring coins through utilizing the Services and survey notices, Users may buy coins so as to get to reward Artist Content. Any such buys are brought out through iTunes or Google Play Store (as pertinent) or other installment passages referenced on the site, subject to the terms and states of the material store. Such buys will be nonrefundable under any conditions, including the discontinuance of the Services or the particular User's entrance thereto, except if required by the pertinent store. Hearts have no redeemable money value.Third-Party Offerings The Services permit you to get to sites, substance, items or administrations gave by outsiders ("Third Party Offerings"). In the event that you choose for access such Third-Party Offerings, you comprehend that your utilization thereof is dependent upon any terms and conditions required by the pertinent outsider provider(s). You comprehend that we are not the supplier of, and are not liable for, any such Third-Party Offerings and that these Terms don't themselves award you any rights to access, use or buy any Third-Party Offerings. We may allow outsiders to publicize their items and administrations through the Services, and those ads may contain connections to the website(s) of the promoters. Neither Botalchat , nor the Artist(s), are associated with, support, or suggest, a particular item or administration promoted, as these are paid commercials. We make no portrayals or guarantees with respect to the quality or attributes of such publicized products or administrations


1. The Services As among you and us, we hold good, title and enthusiasm for and to the Services, and all related protected innovation rights. All rights in and to the Services not explicitly allowed in this are held. You may not duplicate, disperse, freely perform, openly show, carefully act (on account of sound chronicles), or make subordinate works from any copyrighted work made accessible or available by means of the Services. All trademarks, logos and Service ("Marks") showed on the Services are either our property, or the property of outsiders. You are not allowed to utilize these Marks without our earlier composed assent, or the assent of such outsider proprietor of the Mark(s) if not possessed by Botalchat .Applicable Video Rights The Services permit a User to play video through a playlist work ("Playlist"). For every Artist explicit application, the Artist oversees and refreshes the tunes made accessible to the User. The User doesn't secure any proprietorship enthusiasm for such video, yet gets to such video under a permit from the Artist or an outsider with whom the Artist has contracted. The User approved to play the video available through the Playlist just for private pleasure. Client's entrance to the video might be repudiated or adjusted whenever. The Playlist likewise gets to video put away locally on your cell phone.

2. Botalchat or the Artist doesn't profess to have responsibility for content or the option to concede approves the User to have or play such substance. . So as to give new video legitimately to your cell phone, Botalchat uses a "content dispersion systems and servers" in which video content is served by the server to client's telephone, inside the Botalchat application, and might be included, evacuated, or adjusted without your association with or power over the application. 3. Every now and then, the Artist may control the collection boundaries and include, expel, rework, or present bits of melodies, and may transmit send sound or video messages to be cooperated with the collection. When modifying the substance inside the Botalchat application, the Artist will just approach Botalchat application itself and won't approach the rest of the capacity on your cell phone. Craftsman Content Rights the Services additionally permit a User to get to certain Artist Content including, however not constrained to, pictures, true to life data, and cell phone backdrop. The User doesn't possess the Artist Content, however gets to it under a permit from the Artist or an outsider with whom, the Artist has contracted. Client's entrance to the Content might be repudiated or adjusted whenever. Limitations The rights conceded to you by these Terms will stay in power no longer than these Terms stay as a result, and might be renounced by Botalchat whenever, in its circumspection. You may not lease, move, dole out, exchange or sublicense access to the Services to any outsider. You further make a deal to avoid joining or coordinate the Services with programming or other innovation or materials not gave by us. You may not duplicate, store, alter, change or make any subordinate item dependent on the Services or substance accessible through the Services. You may not decompile, dismantle, figure out or in any case endeavor to acquire or see the source code from which any segment of the Services is arranged or deciphered, and nothing in these Terms ought to be deciphered as giving you any option to get or utilize source code. Any future discharge, update, or other expansion to usefulness of the Services will be dependent upon these Terms. You make a deal to avoid utilizing the Services to: (a) disregard any neighborhood, state, national or worldwide law; (b) tail, disturb or hurt another individual; (c) gather or store individual information about different clients; (d) imitate any individual or substance, or in any case distort your association with an individual or element; or (e) meddle with or upset the Services or servers or systems associated with the Services, or ignore any prerequisites, methodology, arrangements or guidelines of systems associated with the Services. You may not (f) utilize any high volume, robotized, or electronic intends to get to the Services (counting, without confinement, robots, insects or contents).

4. You guarantee that any data about yourself that you deliberately give to us will be valid, exact, total and current. You further concur that you won't utilize the Services in any capacity that, in Botalchat sole tact, is viewed as hostile, slanderous, abusive, shocking or harsh. Our foundation (Web App) are a spot for inspiration and network they are not a spot for loathe or antagonism. To help comprehend when we make a move, envision welcoming somebody into your family room and what they would need to state with the end goal for you to request that they leave. Clients who fall into this classification may be blocked and their remarks erased. We forbid content that is explicitly express or contains irreverence. We evacuate clients who imitate any individual, or dishonestly state or in any case distort your connection with an individual or substance. We disallow content that advances or supports self destruction or some other sort of self-injury, including self-mutilation and dietary problems. We prohibit any attempts by private individuals to purchase, sell, or trade prescription drugs, marijuana, firearms or ammunition. We ask that you respect copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights and prohibit any contents which is infringing on the proprietary rights of others. We may remove in our sole and exclusive discretion any content which corresponds with any of the above. We may likewise square or drop client records of clients who have transferred any denied content. In the occasion of substance being featured as "offensive substance" by any gathering/end client; Botalchat maintains whatever authority is needed to evacuate such substance/content ( any organization) with quick impact and with no earlier notification to the substance maker post audit by the Editorial Team. 5. Input We may ask for or permit you to give criticism, recommendations and surveys in regards to the Services (by and large, "Criticism"). You thusly speak to and warrant that: (an) all Feedback will be unique to you or in the open space; (b) the Feedback will be given by you in accordance with some basic honesty, and will not be deceiving, bogus, or disparaging of any outsider and (c) Botalchat utilization of such Feedback will not abuse the protected innovation privileges of any outsider. By giving Feedback, you therefore unavoidably dole out to all of us rights in the Feedback and concur that we will reserve the option to alter, change, and use, or not use, or erase such Feedback and related data. We may keep utilizing any Feedback you give after you have ended your utilization of the Services. We will treat any Feedback you give to us as non-secret.


Restricted Warranties The administrations, all data, substance, materials and administrations identified with the prior, and the items (aside from as explicitly put forward in this) are given "with no guarantees" and "as accessible" and to the furthest reaches admissible under appropriate law, we and our associates disavow all guarantees, express or suggested, including, yet not constrained to, any guarantees of merchantability, qualification for a specific reason, title, non-encroachment, non-obstruction, framework incorporation and precision of information. On the off chance that material law requires any guarantees as for the administrations, every single such guarantee are constrained to the most limited length and extension admissible. We and our subsidiaries don't warrant that your utilization of the administrations will be continuous, mistake free or infection free. You will be exclusively liable for any harm to your PC framework or loss of information that may result from dependence upon the administrations, and you are instructed to keep up disconnected reinforcement duplicates with respect to all client content. We are not the supplier of, and make no guarantees as for, any outsider contributions. Besides, we make no guarantees concerning any supplier in our database, as to accessibility, reasonableness, quality, or dependability of that supplier, or something else. We don't ensure the security of any data transmitted to or from the administrations; and you consent to accept the security hazard for any data you give utilizing the administrations. No portrayal or guarantee is made that the administrations give exhaustive or precise data. We maintain whatever authority is needed to channel, alter or evacuate content, , data or some other material from the administrations and from the yield of the services.Limitation of Liability Use of our administrations is at your own hazard. In no occasion will we or our partners be obligated for any backhanded, accidental, significant or extraordinary harms regarding these terms or the administrations whether such harms were predictable and regardless of whether we were prompted that such harms were likely or conceivable. In no occasion will our total risk to you for any cases emerging regarding these terms or the administrations surpass the more prominent of (1) fifty dollars (u.s. $50.00) or (2) the sums you have paid to assembled in the earlier a half year hereunder, assuming any. You recognize that this confinement of risk is a fundamental term among you and us identifying with the arrangement of the administrations to you, and we would not offer the types of assistance to you without this limitation.Indemnification You consent to repay, hold innocuous and, at our choice, shield accumulated (counting our offshoots, officials, executives, workers, operators, licensors, providers and any outsider data suppliers) from and against all harms, claims, requests, liabilities, expenses, and costs, including sensible lawyers' charges, coming about because of any break of this concurrence on your part, or from your cooperations or exchanges with, or commitment or utilization of a supplier.


These Terms will become successful and restricting when you download and utilize the Services. We claim all authority to end these Terms and your entrance to the Services whenever without notice


A. Purview and Venue These Terms will be represented by the laws of Hong Kong without offering impact to any contention of laws rules that may require the use of the law of another locale. Any activity or continuing identifying with a case or discussion at law or value that emerges out of or identifies with these Terms or the Services (a "guarantee") must be acquired the proper court situated in Hong Kong and each gathering unavoidably submits to the elite locale and scene of any such court in any such activity or continuing, except if such case is submitted to intervention as set out beneath. Despite anything actually, we may look for injunctive alleviation in any court having ward to secure its protected innovation or classified or exclusive data. You concur that any case or reason for activity identified with the Services or potentially these Terms must be recorded inside one (1) year after such case or reason for activity emerged or be perpetually banished.

B. Any such changes will become taking effect right now upon your consent thereto. Proceeding with utilization of the Services after changes to the Terms have been posted will be regarded consent to the changes. On the off chance that you item to any such changes, your sole plan of action will be to stop utilizing the Services. Proceeded with utilization of the Services following posting of any such changes will demonstrate your affirmation of such changes and your consent to be limited by the overhauled Terms, comprehensive of such changes. What's more, certain highlights of the Services might be dependent upon extra terms of utilization. By utilizing such highlights, or any part thereof, you consent to be limited by the extra terms of utilization appropriate to such highlights. If any of the extra terms of utilization overseeing such territory struggle with these Terms, the extra terms will administer. Extra terms and conditions may likewise apply to explicit items or requests, incorporating regarding requesting, transportation and merchandise exchanges, and if there is a contention between these Terms and any such extra terms, such extra terms will control. Modifications to Services We maintain whatever authority is needed to change the Services whenever without notice. In the event that you article to any progressions to the Services, your sole plan of action will be to stop utilizing the Services. Proceeded with utilization of the Services following posting of any such changes will show your affirmation of such changes and fulfillment with the Services as so adjusted. We additionally maintain all authority to end the Services whenever without notice. We won't be obligated to you or any outsider should we practice our entitlement to alter or cease the Services, aside from and if in any case explicitly put forward herein. Miscellaneous Terms You consent to conform to all laws, decides and guidelines that apply to your utilization of the Services. Any deferral or disappointment by us to practice or uphold any privilege or arrangement of these terms won't comprise a waiver of such right or arrangement. On the off chance that any arrangement of these terms is found by a court of able ward to be invalid, you concur that the court should try to offer impact to the aims reflected in the invalid arrangement, and different arrangements of these Terms will stay in full power and impact. The area titles in these Terms are for accommodation just and have no lawful or authoritative impact. These Terms comprise the whole understanding among you and us with respect to the issues depicted previously. These Terms, and your privileges and commitments in this, may not be allotted , subcontracted, designated, or in any case moved by you without our earlier composed assent, and any endeavored task, subcontract, appointment, or move infringing upon the prior will be invalid and void. Note to International Users the Services are facilitated in the United States. In the event that you are a User getting to the Services from some other locale with laws or guidelines administering individual information assortment, use, and revelation, that contrast from U.S. laws, if it's not too much trouble be educated that through your proceeded with use with respect to the Services, which are administered by U.S. law, you are moving your own data to the United States and you agree to that move.


From time to time, the featured artists may offer promotional giveaways and contests (“Promotions”) to the users of their Botalchat app. Unless a given artist specifies the applicability of alternate rules in connection with the advertisement of such a Promotion, the following rules will govern. No purchase is necessary to enter a Promotion. To enter, simply follow the instructions provided by the artist. The available prize, applicable time periods, and method of determining a winner will be as set forth by the artist through the Botalchat app.


Advancements might be restricted to those clients who have arrived at the period of greater part in the state wherein they live. The craftsman, or Botalchat, may permit minor clients to take an interest in a given Promotion, subject to extra parental assent in structure satisfactory to Botalchat . THE WINNER SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY TAXES ARISING AS A RESULT OF RECEIVING THE PRIZE. IF THE WINNING IN FORM OF CASH OR CURRENCY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE COUNTRY.